Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09 09 09 09 09 09: Novenary

Well its a long time since i have blogged... there was always the desire but it was the time that was lacking.... so i prepared this draft at 09 09 09 09 09 09.
Well publishing at that second didn't work out...
In the field of medicine numbers little significance(SPM dept won't agree) NUMBERS have and continue to attract me. although i believe that there is nothing special or superstitious about numerics but still....

for instance there is something very wrong with the no 317.... which was my cars no in which i had 2 major and 3minor accidents or maybe positively speaking none of us in the car was hurt a single time, although once they were going to claim a total loss for the vehicle....
then it turned out my room no which i got by random selection turned out to be 317 and i had the worst period of my college life during this one year in that room.

No that is not what created a love for numbers in me.

i didnt know before this day that no 9 was associated with forgiveness, compassion and success on the positive side as well as arrogance and self-righteousness on the negative, according to numerologists.

ANd a mail i received says
that the sum of the two-digits resulting from nine multiplied by any other single-digit number will equal nine. So 9x3=27, and 2+7=9.
Multiply nine by any two, three or four-digit number and the sums of those will also break down to nine. For example: 9x62 = 558; 5+5+8=18; 1+8=9.
Sept. 9 also happens to be the 252nd day of the year (2 + 5 +2)... Very true....

Japanese, the word for nine is a homophone for the word for suffering, so the number is considered highly unlucky.

Thais also consider it lucky.

At Buddhist ceremonies such as weddings, 9 monks are often invited.

Accordin to christians 09 09 09 upside down is devils no666... so does it mean that 999, its christs no?????

To hindu mythology 9 is a lucky is the number of hanuman.
IT is also that number nine is closely associated with the process of creation in the cosmic time cycle. The entire cosmic cycle consists of three phases -- creation, preservation and dissolution.Each of these three parts split into triads (3x3=9)
Also they have Nine apertures of the body -- two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, mouth, genitals and anus, nine psychic centres, nine planets, nine divisions of time, nine gems, nine moods or Navrasams and Navratras.

For muslims Ramadan, the month of fasting and prayer, is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

And today we have a wednesday and september both havin nine letters each.

holy cow! now thats a lot of crap i am sure.

And i personally am not a very good friend of 9.