Monday, May 26, 2008

Second Life
WEll 5 days to start CRRI, back at hostel, at 08.30pm chattin with some of my friends suddenly we plan a trip the last as a medico, plans a road trip to goa, within 30 min bags are packed.At 9.30pm we start. fuel is full and all set.Its a 20 hr drive people call us krazy but somehow i love such trips. There is nothing that equals an unplanned long distance trip.A good climate cool breeze and low traffic we cover 100km in 2.30hrs ,that was just 10% of what we had to cover.then climate changes. Good roads with rains nothing as dangerous.the rain doesnt dampen our spirit. wE joked we sang we were so happy, what we never knew was that a truck had broken down and there was another truck that was overtaking and that it would be there to meet us at the curve on the wrong side.
At quater past one in the drivers seat as we take the curve I get a shock 2 lane road with 4 lights from 2 container trailers right ahead. my friend and co driver nidhil calls out my name. In a split second 3 things come to my mind death, brake and about nidhil.The first sight gives me the impression that we are dead but the better part of my brain sends reflexes that makes me push the brake but the slippery roads. Even after full braking the car slips towards the centre of the container trailer the fear of something happening to him suddenly makes me turn the car and the left side of the car collide with the trailer and leaves behind no major casualities except a torn finger capsule with congestion .Iybus thumb is elasto plastered with restriction in mobility and a badly damaged car.So we cancel GOa and back home with a car in a bad shape.Well, everything happens for the best. THIS TOO.....

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Docteur Finally

The news that we cleared final MB brought us lot of joy finally we called ourselves doc. All of a sudden a heavy prefix. From now on I am DR.Joseph. Thought of posting a letter home with Dr.Joseph on it but later dropped the idea. We had better things to do meet our teachers express our gratitude, went to car company as docs were they welcomed us to take test drives unlike earlier,also in my agenda was find a great hospital to start my clinical life. It had always been a childhood dream to work at atappadi one of the remotest places in kerala and i live that dream too.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Simple Mens Hospital

It looked as though boredom has become a part of my life when I planned to return from dubai to my homeland to gods own country. After coming back here too i didnt have pretty much to do. Contacted all my frnds at college, some were just like me killin time some others joined hospitals, a few travelled places, all ate and slept well and became heavier. Talkin to others i decided to go to a mission hospital in tamilnadu and work...So we got into a group of 4 left in my car at around 12 and 8 hrs later we find ourselves in Christian fellowship hospital in a small town near dindigal thanks to the great roads as soon as we enter TN (hats off). We get heavy showers on the way which was rare in TN. aS soon as we cross borders we find the good roads, people more simple in the way they dress, travel (mostly in mopeds).
AS soon as we reach the hospital there is a heavy downpour with thunder and lightening and leave us in darkness. Oh what a start. The hospital lacks the grandeur of the majority of hospitals i have visited. Since we arive earlier we dont meet the doc who we r supposed to instead we meet a young chap of our age. he was managing the casuality a very helpful guy, tells us abt the mass and quickly send us a guy perumal who was very polite with us took us to a grand stay at their guest house we had a sumptous dinner of TN dosai which i would say is one of the best with different coloured chuttneys.We go back get a tight sleep next day early mornin after a good breakfast go for the mass everyone seems to know that we have arrived, lovely people, from professors to the priest comes and meet us.
We are posted in surgery. We find patients here are less concerned about their health due to poverty and this hospital does a great deal of service for them. Patients here can pay what they can afford to, operations come to around 10% of what is being charged outside in bigger hospitals. Due to the ignorance abt their health most of the patients are in a bad shape we find 10 to 15 dibetic pts without limbs above knee, below knee amputations.Doctor jokes that they are not terminators and they never were; such simple hearted people without any self interest and really dedicated.A lot to learn from them.Unfortunately our kind university gave us only a day to work. we had to come back and collect a pass certificate.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I,Me and Myself

hi finally entering the blogspace at the stroke of midnight..... I always had an avulsion towards blogging but recently somethin attracts me towards it.... Maybe its just the freedom of expression without anyone really being bothered about it.

Not having gone through many blogs I really have a starting trouble... To start with

I am joseph, 24 a medico waitin to graduate and then....well ????? Well the more i am into it the more i fall in love with the field as much as i hate it......after 5 yrs of ignorance here i am waitin for the results of my final MBBS a long four months after i finished my theory.....this span of time call the inefficiency of the university, the curosity of the brilliant whether they can make it to the top,and the apprehension of the average whether they can make it this time better or get another waitin like this after 6 months...

Solitude kills, yes thats true 4 months of solitude can turn a man into a philosopher, an artist or a psycho (maniac or depressed),an adventurer .Well the three months neither made me a philosopher, a psycho nor an artist. all this had done to me was that it made me emotionally numbed. No not to a great extent to call it a damage or rather i can say it has done me
certain good....

Like i've already said at times i am in love with this profession and sometimes i hate it....THe jubilation of the mother after she delivers, the sick looking dying man or the small kid looking healthier than me after a day of cure or the patient wincing with excruciating pain smiling after being given a shot aint that lovely? Well the chronic debilitating diseases,patients death the invalids suffering stroke has always left me jaded with med school, hospitals and these patients.

Apart from the profession i am into, i love travellin and i consider myself lucky being born in such lovely part of the world. I believe there are few other better places in the world.We have beautiful mountains, wonderful seas, thick green forests and a great climate and culture to support all these.Truly they call it GODS OWN COUNTRY.

aT this late hour of day I fail to get words, till the next post adieu......